Play Yatzy™ online with random players or with family and friends.

Bonus Rewards🌟

Score the highest combinations on the first roll to get additional bonus:

Large Straight
0.5x Bed
Full House
1x Bet
2x Bet
General Rules

Goal of the game: The aim is to score the maximum number of points by achieving different dice combinations. Each game starts with players in random positions.Dice:

- The game uses five or six standard six-sided dice.
- Each die has faces with numbers from 1 to 6.

Player Turn:

- A turn starts with rolling the dice.
- A player can re-roll the dice up to two times.
- After each roll, the player can choose which dice to keep and re-roll the remaining ones.
- After each roll, the player can select a category on the scoresheet.
- After scoring, the next player starts their turn.


The scoresheet consists of two sections: the Upper section (number categories) and the Lower section (poker-themed categories).

- Each category can be scored only once per game.
- Each category has its own requirements to be met.
- Points are calculated based on the selected combination and the numbers rolled on the dice.
- Any category can be "crossed out" with 0 points if the dice combination does not meet the category requirements.

End of the Game

The game ends when each player has completed all the categories on their scoresheet. The player with the highest total score at the end of the game wins.

5-Dice Combinations

Upper Section

- Ones: The sum of all dice showing the number 1.
- Twos: The sum of all dice showing the number 2.
- Threes: The sum of all dice showing the number 3.
- Fours: The sum of all dice showing the number 4.
- Fives: The sum of all dice showing the number 5.
- Sixes: The sum of all dice showing the number 6.

If the total score in the upper section reaches at least 63 points, the player is awarded a bonus of 50 points.

Lower Section

- One Pair: Two dice showing the same number. Score: Sum of those two dice.
- Two Pairs: Two different pairs of dice. Score: Sum of the dice in those two pairs.
- Three of a Kind: Three dice showing the same number. Score: Sum of those three dice.
- Four of a Kind: Four dice with the same number. Score: Sum of those four dice.
- Small Straight: The combination 1-2-3-4-5. Score: 15 points (sum of all the dice).
- Large Straight: The combination 2-3-4-5-6. Score: 20 points (sum of all the dice).
- Full House: Any set of three dice combined with a different pair. Score: Sum of all the dice.
- Chance: Any combination of dice. Score: Sum of all the dice.
- Yatzy: All five dice showing the same number. Score: Sum of all the dice plus 50 bonus points.

Two Pairs and Full House must have different numbers to be valid combinations.

Bonus Rewards🌟

Score the highest combinations on the first roll to get additional bonus:

0.5x Bet
2x3 of Kind
1x Bet
2x Bet
General Rules

The goal of Yatzy is to score the maximum number of points by getting different dice combinations of roll results. Each game starts with players set in random positions.


- The game uses five or six standard six-sided dice
- Each die has a face with numbers from 1 to 6

Player turn

- A turn starts with dice roll
- A player can re-roll dice two times
- After each roll, the player can choose the dice he needs to keep and re-roll the remaining ones
- After each roll, the player can select some category in the scoresheet
- After scoring, the next player starts their turn


- The scoresheet consists of two sections: Upper section (numbers categories) and Lower section (poker-themed categories)
- Each category can each be scored once per game
- Each category has its own requirements to meet
- Points are calculated according to the selected combination and the numbers that have fallen on the dice
- Any category can be “crossed” with 0 point if dice combination does not meet the category requirements

End of the game

The game ends when each player has gone through all the combinations on their scoresheet. Whoever has the highest total score at the end of the game wins.

6 Dice Combinations

Upper Section
- Ones: The sum of all dice showing the number 1.
- Twos: The sum of all dice showing the number 2.
- Threes: The sum of all dice showing the number 3.
- Fours: The sum of all dice showing the number 4.
- Fives: The sum of all dice showing the number 5.
- Sixes: The sum of all dice showing the number 6.

If the summary score is at least 84 points in the upper section, the player is awarded a bonus of 100 points.

Lower Section
- One Pair: Two dice showing the same number. Score: Sum of those two dice.
- Two Pairs: Two different pairs of dice. Score: Sum of dice in those two pairs.
- Three Pairs: Three pairs of dice. Score: Sum of all the dice.
- Three of a Kind: Three dice showing the same number. Score: Sum of those three dice.
- Four of a Kind: Four dice with the same number. Score: Sum of those four dice.
- Five of a Kind: Five dice with the same number. Score: Sum of those five dice.
- 2x3 of a Kind: Two sets of three dice showing the same number. Score: Sum of all the dice.
- Small Straight: The combination 1-2-3-4-5. Score: 15 points (sum of those five dice).
- Large Straight: The combination 2-3-4-5-6. Score: 20 points (sum of those five dice).
- Royal: The combination 1-2-3-4-5-6. Score: 21 points (sum of all the dice).
- Full House: Any set of three combined with a different pair. Score: Sum of all the dice.
- 4+2 of a Kind: A set of four combined with a set of two. Score: Sum of all the dice.
- Chance: Any combination of dice. Score: Sum of all the dice.
- Yatzy: All six dice with the same number. Score: Sum of all the dice plus 100 bonus points.